Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!!!

Got this from google images again :)

Yeah, 2013 is here! 

WARNING, below is a mild disgusting content. (To each his/her own opinion)  Do not read if you're hungry now... 
Here's my little boring drama to new year: on the 31 dec 2012 at 11:58pm, my tummy wasn't feeling so good...I went to the toilet to *ahem*...and I think I had my "last shit of the year 2012". At 00:00, it's 1 Jan 2013, in the toilet, I could hear the "pom pom" sound of the fireworks by others from outside celebrating new sad that I am hearing my "pom pom" sound of my own "fireworks" in the toilet...when I finished my business, it was already 00:10am. So that means, I too had my "first shit of the year 2013".

But that's not the end of it. When I woke up in the morning, as it's a public holiday, I went to my bf's house for celebration only to feel super unwell of my bloated tummy in the late afternoon. I self diagnosed it as stomach flu because the symptoms were alike when I had my stomach flu last year Aug. Thankfully, I ate the pills when I went back home and felt so much better. My 1st day of new year was ended just like that! Ok, let's look on the bright side of my dramatic experience. I would say it's to clear out all the waste (symbolizes unhappiness, bad experiences, all the bad things) and to start afresh again for the new year!

So I posted this on the 2nd day of the year but still hereby to wish everyone a happy new year 2013 and may your new year resolutions come true!

Btw, how cute it is that when I'm feeling unwell, I checked on the facebook and cute Justine tweeted on facebook! Even though it's just a happy new year post by her, it's enough to lift up my low spirits! Thank you Justine! Looking forward to March!!! Allez Justine and Benoit, Allez little Juju/little Benoit! Santé!

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